Empty frame

Fabric and frame
42cm x 59.4cm 

When you depart, you stay in everything you've left behind. While you ask me not to forget you, you never ask about the memories I hold onto you. Missing someone is like wielding a double-edged knife; one is enigmatically destined to experience loss first. Longing forever lingers before the moon can finally embrace the sun.

History may crumble into ruins, memories may fade into oblivion, and people may turn into mere absences. The photograph serves as a bittersweet reminder, hovering overhead with cherished memories. The empty frame you left behind becomes a vessel for my dreams every night, a void yearning to be filled.

Ng delves into the delicate nature of relationship, memory and loss through the absence of the two lovers, and the two nightdresses and an empty frame that remain. Ng creates a tangible narrative through the dematerialization of photography.

au revoir